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End to End
Electricity & Gas Commercial System

Years of experience in the industry packaged in the ultimate Utility Commercial Solution. Customer Service, Sales, Billing & Invoicing, Payment Management and much more ready to be customised and deployed.

Try our Salesforce based industry solution for Electricity & Gas and enjoy the result of our vast experience in the Industry!

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Electricity & Gas

Out-of-the-box Solutions

Powered by Salesforce

Presenting Wattyo’s cutting-edge Out-of-the-Box solutions, fully tailored for Electricity & Gas companies, encompassing both Frontoffice and Backoffice processes. Experience seamless commercial management without the usual headaches.

At Wattyo, we understand the challenges of implementing a new Commercial System. Yet, we’ve dedicated extensive efforts to ensure a smooth and frustration-free process, making your transition more effortless.

Embrace hassle-free commercial management with Wattyo. Considerably reduce implementation problems as our expert team guides you towards a successful and painless deployment, empowering your business for future growth.

Manage any kind of
Product or Service

Manage in a single system whatever product or service you want to operate. No matters if it’s Energy supply service, a Boiler or a Insurance Policy, you can manage the full life cycle in Wattyo.

Product Catalog & Pricing

Integrate complex product catalogs and pricing models in flexible client contracts.
Additionally, you’ll powerful and flexible billing rules.

Powerful Process Orchestration

Digital processes developed and orchestrated using Wattyo Orchestration solution leveraing Salesforce Technology

Cutting Edge

Electricity and Gas business can benefit from out of the box functionality. Wattyo solutions have born digital, based on best practices and designed specifically to cover Utilities business

Regulation Ready

Introducing our comprehensive solution, specifically designed to cover the diverse Electricity and Gas business requirements and regulations in each region.

From services and rates to legal procedures, invoices, communications, data protection, cutting and reclosing, and more, our platform has you covered.

Reduce Time, Effort and Costs

Presenting our platform, equipped with functionality specifically designed for Utilities.

With its out-of-the-box modules and streamlined methodologies, you’ll experience reduced integration efforts and achieve substantial savings in implementation time, user dedication, and overall costs.

Utility & Gas

Reduce Cost and Risk

Powered by Salesforce

Introducing our specialized Salesforce solution, tailored to empower Electricity & Gas Distributors and Commercializators with streamlined management of the entire Commercial Cycle.

With the elimination of integrations required by third-party systems like SAP-ISU, we bring you a simplified architecture, reduced costs, and hassle-free maintenance and evolution.

Experience the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Wattyo’s all-in-one platform, fostering a smoother operational flow and enhancing collaboration across your organization. Elevate your business with Wattyo today and revolutionize your commercial operations like never before.

Utilities Business Challenges

  • Flexibility

    Utilities must respond on time to new regulations or market demands. Time to market is each year more demanding and Electricity & Gas companies need flexible systems that can easily be adapted

  • Costs

    Energy Price increase, new taxes and competition add pressure to cost reduction. Process Automation, Client Self Service, system simplification allow aggressive cost reduction

  • Customer Satisfaction

    Churn prevention demands an excellent quality of service responding to client needs precisely. Client demands  precise instant responses

  • Digitalisation

    Utilities must adapt to new digital channels and processes. New digital technologies offer challenging possibilities but few companies are prepared to use them efficiently

  • Diversification

    Electric vehicle, Added Value Services, Renewable Energy… Traditional Utility business is changing and commercial systems must be prepared to adopt them.

  • Sustainability

    Utilities must be leaders of sustainability, social commitment and diversification. Our Solutions are paperless and reduces travel needs

  • Ready to use Utilities functionalities and processes

    Forget about having to define and discuss each functionality or process in order to implement it. In Wattyo we have a full suite of utilities capabilities ready to be used and/or customised.

    Key Functionality

  • Contract Lifecycle

    Adapted to Electricity and Gas contract Lifecycle, considering specific B2B and B2C business requirements.

  • Digital Contracts

    Our paperless Industry Solutions manages all processes digitally. We integrate digital signing providers like Verisign or Signaturit. PDF documents are easily stored and used in any third party application or process.

  • Tariffs Flexibility​

    Tariffs and rates can be easily adapted to any regulation, allowing social bonus, products bundle or multiservice rates
    Indexed priced or complex calculation rates can be implemented with our flexible Calculation Engine.

  • 360 Customer View

    Salesforce comprehensive 360º customer view, provides a complete and unified view of customer data across various touchpoints and channels. It is designed to help businesses gain a deeper understanding of their customers, enhance customer engagement, and deliver customised experiences.

  • Accurate Billing and Invoicing​

    Fully integrated in Salesforce, our billing and invoicing modules offer outstanding performance and scalability. No need to integrate or sync up external databases as all needed information resides within Salesforce ecosystem.

  • Optimised Field Management​

    Smart strategies, techniques, and technologies to optimize field operations. Realtime integration between physical and information worlds allows a better customer service and reduce field workforce costs. Benefit from new technologies like virtual reality.

  • Electricity and Gas Metering

    Digital and traditional metering are contemplated. Functionality includes measures validation, anormalities and fraud detection. consumption curves.

  • External Systems Integration

    Using Salesforce unique integration capabilities, our Solutions can natively and easily integrate with external applications or databases.

  • Analytics and Reporting​

    Benefit from Salesforce analytics and reporting solutions like Tableau to create management and regulatory reporting based on predefined templates.

  • User Experience

    Optimise team productivity with our enhaced User Experience. Utilities business complexity is simplified  with clear user tasks and interactions. Learning is much more intuitive.

  • Bulk Processing

    Smart Bulk Processing algorithms allows massive and retroactive changes in contract and tariffs conditions applied to specific collectives. This functionality saves thousands of administrative work hours every month and human errors.

  • Marketing Campaigns

    Wattyo Electricity and Gas Industry Solution is natively integrated with Salesforce Marketing Cloud for campaigns, promotion, social presence, and massive communications.

  • Reasons to choose Wattyo

    Why Wattyo?

    Because we care about you

    Wattyo Out-of-box Solution for Utilities represents a significant improvement in the way Commercial Systems have been developed and implemented. Forget about concepts developed decades ago and enter in a new paradigm of business advantages.

    We keep things simple

    Simple solutions to complex businesses. We make things easy through out of the box systems.

    Wide Functionality

    Full functional coverage for Electricity and Gas, Distribution and Commercialization Businesses in a full digitalised process environment.

    Salesforce Powered

    Benefit from Salesforce leading technology Platform. Innovation and digital evolution guaranteed.